Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 40 - Love Dare - Love is a Covenant

Write out a renewal of my vows, and place them in my home.

Wow, this is the last day. Let's see, a renewal of my vows. I want this to be serious and thoughtful - so, another thing to pray about before I write. I have a long car trip, plenty of prayer time.

Oh shoot - such a busy day. I didn't have a chance to write anything. Count this as a temporary failure.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 39 - Love Dare - Love Endures

Spend time in personal prayer, then write a letter of commitment and resolve to David. Inclue why I am committing to this marriage until death, and that I have purposed to love him no matter what. Leave it in a place for David to find it.

Ooh, I like writing. This sounds easy, but I want it to be sincere so I need to be praying for the right words.

Aren't the easy ones always the toughest. I was sick and didn't feel like doing anything. I got home from my all day training and was feeling sick so I went to bed. Didn't write. I can't promise I will today either, but I need to. I need to give up something and just do it. Maybe I can write during my lunch break today.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 38 - Love Dare - Love Fulfills Dreams

Ask myself what David would want if it was obtainable. Commit this to prayer and start mapping out a plan for meeting some (if not all) of his desires to whatever level I possibly can.

Just the other day David was talking about a trip he wanted to take in the Spring. I put him on a different path because I didn't want to go there. I was thinking it would be my vacation too, why should I go somewhere I didn't necessarily want to go when we had talked about so many other places before. I need to back up because it's obviously something he wants to do. So, okay, Ill start working towards that trip. In the meantime, there are lots of little things I can do. He likes it when I just sit with him or go with him for drives. That's easy stuff, but I usually grumble. No more grumbling. It's something David likes to do and I love him. I can give up time for him.

I have to confess - I was ready to throw everything I've learned the past 38 days out the door when I got home last night. I had laryngitis and was not feeling great anyway and found the dishes in the sink, kids toys everywhere, and everyone just sitting around. I walked in the bedroom to take off my shoes and David said there are a couple of cans of soup on the counter in the kitchen (meaning, heat up the soup and serve it). Normally I would have thought about getting the cans of soup and throwing them at David, but in reality I still would have heated them up and, grouchily, served David soup (not on his head as I would have liked). Instead, I went to the kitchen and did the dishes (I hate cooking anything when there are dirty dishes). Next I was planning to heat up the soup, but then David came in the kitchen and heated up some meat pies for us instead. So, even though I didn't have the best thoughts in my head last night, they weren't as bad as they used to be. I didn't make any snide comments and I didn't spend the night fuming quietly. The dishes were done and I had a nice warm meal.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 37 - Love Dare - Love Agrees in Prayer

Ask David if we can begin praying together. Talk about the best time to do this. Use this time to commit your concerns, disagreements, and needs before the Lord. Don't forget to thank Him for His provision and blessing.

Hey, this one's already set. We are going to use the time we read the Bible as a prayer time also.

Nothing to add. We had decided to start after I got back from my business trip, but now I'm not going overnight - just too really long day trips. But, now I have laryngitis - can't get a word out of my throat. Have to wait for tht to clear up.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 26 - Love Dare - Love is God's Word

Commit to reading the Bible every day. Find a devotional book or other resource that will give me some guidance. If David is open to it, see if he will commit to daily Bible reading with me. Begin submitting each area of my life to its guidance and start building on the rock.

I would love to spend some time reading the Bible with David every day. I'll ask him is he would like to do it. It would have to be at night because we get up so early. If not, I will have to pick it up and do it myself. I was reading the Bible through in a year and then hit July and stopped. I don't know why. Halfway through - why couldn't I keep it up?

I talked to David about reading the Bible together and he's all for it. We agreed we'd have to set aside time in the evening since we both have such an early start in the morning already. It will have to wait for a couple of days though because I have to leave on a business trip. But, as soon as I'm back - we're starting. By the way, I also threw in praying together during that time.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 35 - Love Dare - Love is Accountable

Find a marriage mentor - someone who is a strong Christian and who will be honest and loving with me. If I feel that counseling is needed, then take the first step to set up an appontment. During this process, ask God to direct my decisions and discernment.

Well, this is honestly tough for me. I have no problem telling others what I do that's wrong, but I hate to say anything to anyone else about David. Early in our marriage David used to tell his mom about me and it really tainted our relationship and created some big problems I don't ever want to be the cause of any relationship problems for David. So, it's tough. I've spent my life keeping it in. Not that there is much to complain about as far as David is concerned. But is this about that? No, I guess it's not. Accountability would be about what I'm doing, not David.

So, now the issue for me is, I've always had a hard time talking to people about my problems. I honestly don't think they want to hear it. I've also always had lots of friends who tend to be talkers and dominate the conversations (not the best friends I've ever had). I do have a couple of friends that honestly listen to me without interrupting me to tell me about their situation. Their marriages aren't necessarily stronger than mine but I think I would have a hard time finding someone whose marriage is stronger that I could talk to. Okay, I'll pray about this for the right person.

No results yet - gotta get more serious about my praying. There are so many distractions that pull my time away. Prayer has got to be more of a priority. I will be seeing a lot of godly people today - I pray God points out the right person to me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 34 - Love Dare - Love Celebrates Godliness

Find a specific, recent example when David demonstrated Christian character in a noticeable way. Verbally commend him for this at some point today.

Oh darn. I did this yesterday. I could have saved it for today and been done with this dare. In truth, there is so much to commend David about. He truly tries to live a life that is honoring to Christ. He has such a strong gift of mercy. For example, the thing I commended him for yesterday involved his role as AWANA Commander, a Christian children's club that focuses on Bible memorization done through our church. The club has a "store" every once in a while where the kids can spend their AWANA bucks that they earn for memorizing verses, outstanding behavior, bringing their Bible and things like that.

Anyway, there are some kids that are just poor. Their parents would never be able buy much since they are probably concentrating on things like paying their rent and buying food. Sometimes these kids may not have earned enough bucks to buy something they really want so David will let them buy it for whatever they have. He had one boy that had 20 AWANA bucks and wanted something that was 75 bucks. David let him have it to the consternation of some of his AWANA store helpers, who have the gift of administration and prophecy. They thought David should be helping the kids learn the value of money while David wants to teach them grace. It all goes back to when he was a poor kid. He remembers people that reached out to him and gave him things he didn't deserve. That made such an impact on his life. He wants kids to experience the same thing.

See, isn't he wonderful? I have the gift of administration but I have learned to understand David's motivation and truly support how he handles these situations and think it is what Jesus would do in the same situation. When David told me about this, I told him how much I admired him and what he did. He said he wonders what people think when they see him. I think they see someone that loves God and lives a life that honors God.

So, it will be so easy to find something to praise in him today.

As I said, David is so easy to praise. I'm starting to try to put this all together. I have six more days. On the 7th day I want to tie this together - what changes have occurred, that kind of stuff. So, I'm doing some deep thinking here - don't disturb me.